Saturday, April 30, 2011


Another day, another blog post.
Smitten is a word.
How awesome.

Today, I got a lot of work done.
I discovered how intrinsicly all ideas are linked.
i.e. no idea is original.
everything is derived from something else.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
I drank Chinese tea,
and Christmas coffee.
I realized the beauty of friends.
I rocked out.
I played music.

My brain is slowly being cleared of thoughts,
other than those of looming exams.
But in a good way.
I can now focus.

Did it hurt?
When you fell from heaven?

Goldfish are awesomely useless.
While cats rock.

POSTED 30/04/2011

Friday, April 29, 2011


Is it so bad that nearly all the people that inspire me are musicians?
I hope not.
It's something which I realize more and more everyday.
My life revolves around music.
The rhythm of life is my passion.
If I could take a piece of every musician that inspire me,
and bring it all together in my personality,
then I'd probably be very happy!

I was so sad today,
at Michael Scott's last day in "The Office".
I was nearly crying at his and Jim's conversation.

It was nice and sunny today,
I could relax and feel quite good.
A little study too!

Hmm I think that shall be it for today.
Laters, my electro-diary.

POSTED 29/04/2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I can't even make sense of my thoughts tonight,
my dear electro-diary.
I'm happy, yet unsettled for some reason.
I'm glad of everything,
yet still pray for everything to be ok.
I guess that's the way the world turns.

I think things have worked out for summer too!

And I'm so in love.
If you knew me you'd understand!

I think that'll be it.

Short and sweet tonight.

POSTED 28/04/2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm sitting in a library basement, 3 floors underground.
It was raining when I came in.
I know when I leave here the sun might be out.

I have plenty of study to be doing.
But I have been studying for 2 and a half hours.
So I'm typing this up on my break.
Also listening to NEEDTOBREATHE.
Their first album was best.

Two students beside me who get to study Dante's Divine Comedy.
I wish I was that lucky.
I'm studying Keynes' Macroeconomic Theories.
Interesting to a degree.
Until you realize that half of it doesn't apply.

I plan on buying shoes for 6 quid today.
Cheap is the way to go.
I am a student after all.

Dairy Milk chocolate leaves a strange aftertaste in my mouth.
I feel quite hipster today.
That's all the thoughts in my head at the moment.
Except for one thought.
That I have no lovestruck musings today.
For some reason.

POSTED 26/04/2011

Monday, April 25, 2011


How much should I even care about me?
The I that I sometimes despise, sometimes love.
I have wanted to stop myself being there before,
Considered ending me.
I want to be alive for things beyond my control.
As I do however care about you.

Am I crazy?
Or too stupid to realize the beauty of all around me?
Would I become Death?
A shatterer of worlds?
Have I lived enough to understand?
That God does not play dice?
Have my rose-tinted glasses been shattered?
Or simply slightly cracked?
Is change always sweet?
Or is change anything but change?

My mind wanders.

If love is blind, I would gouge out my eyes for you.
If love is kind, I will serve you to death.

My tongue is that of men, not angels.
But I will speak pure poetry for you.
Let my voice be heard.
Not as a bell or cymbal.

Have I learned?
That I am not Of mice, nor men?
That I have not a soul?
But rather am soul, with body?

Do you see anything in me?
Let me know if you do.
Because I see beauty flow through you.
Not just what I see as your flawless appearance.
But what lies beneath your smiling eyes.

POSTED 25/04/2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday


I feel alive. For the first time in so long. I'm free from everything that has been dragging me down, even though
it might seem like I have so much to worry about.
I'm drinking tea right now and the time is 22:57 on Easter Sunday, the day my glorious Savior has risen.
I'm also watching the Dark Knight. When I'm 35 years old I'll still want to be Batman. My future wife better be accepting of this.

Also for the first time in ages, I truly have feelings for a girl. Love? Maybe...Maybe not. But I know, that even
if I never get a single chance with her, that she is undoubtedly a special girl, and always and forever will be.
Notepad rocks. So does Notepad++. I must download that. I downloaded SeaMonkey again today. Forgot how much I loved it. Probably should have been studying.

I realised yesterday how much I admore some people. A new friend of mine called Philip, an old friend of mine called Hannah, Adam Young, Derek Webb, Jon Foreman, John Cooper. These people have affected me recently. Some in a big way, some in a very small way.

I have many things that I could do for the summer, but I still don't know. Most people haven't gotten back to me about a job, even about volunteer work. Depending on how things work out I could be in Dublin, France, or Portugal for the summer. How nice!

I haven't been swimming in so long. I should do that over the summer. Cycling and swimming. That would be good.

I <3 music. There's so much beauty, soul, energy, love, passion, skill, and wonder in it. I love listening to
music, but I actually enjoy so much more playing it. Guitar, ukulele, flute, tin whistle, singing, drum beats,
electronic, composing, recording, editing - all of it.

That is it for tonight electronic diary.

POSTED 24/04/2011